
Thank-you for a most memorable travel experience. We enjoyed it very much. I was a bit apprehensive about trekking alone with a 10 and a 15 year old. Granted, the boys are used to long hikes, but the idea of going solo in the Sudety was unnerving. We found the experience that you and Sylvia provided to strike the perfect balance between the comforts of home and rugged mountain terrain and beauty. Sylvia’s expert knowledge of the region’s history, geography and geology is a testimony of the Wonderer’s commitment to a stellar trekking experience. As we hiked, Sylvia would point out local flora or fauna or interject with an interesting historical anecdote which made the places we visited and saw all the more relevant and memorable.
Eva, Josh and Sam Sherwood Park Alberta Canada
We would most definitely work with them again as we are confident our group are in safe hands and will have a trip of a life time!
The Ultimate Travel Company

The food and accommodation were first class and the walks were ideal for our needs.
Gerry Quinn & Friends from Ireland
Pawel was professional, courteous, efficient, effective and trustworthy every step of the way and all our guests were extremely happy with the service and the smoothness with which he ran the trip.
Read more: Alan Garcia Managing Director Sunshine World Ltd from UK

I am writing to thank you and your company for the superb and amazing trip that you organised for our school group. The trip itself was very well organised and every activity directly suited to our needs.

Ich moechte mich persoenlich, ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken fuer die Hilfe die Sie mir bei der Vorbereitung unserer Reise ins Riesengebirge und nach Jelenia Góra geleistet haben.

Ich moechte mich persoenlich, ganz herzlich bei Ihnen bedanken fuer die Hilfe die Sie mir bei der Vorbereitung unserer Reise ins Riesengebirge und nach Jelenia Góra geleistet haben.

Good morning Pawel,
Well holiday is now well over and we are all back to our day jobs. All got home safely.
I would just like to thank you for all your help in organising a great holiday for us. Everything from pick up at the airport to being dropped off again was fantastic.
The accommodation in all hotels was excellent.
And of course the walks were excellent. Sylwia was a great leader, full of enthusiasm and knowledge about the mountains. I hoped she enjoyed being with us as much as we enjoyed her company. We were delighted that you could join us for our last evening in Poland.
Best of luck with your future plans.
Seamus Whelan
Bogtrotters Hillwalking Club Ireland